ELCA stands for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The ELCA came into being when the ALC "American Lutheran Church," the AELC "Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches," and the LCA "Lutheran Church in America" merged in 1988. The ELCA is one church body organized in three expressions — congregations, synods and the churchwide organization. Each expression has its particular functions but all three together share a common mission of doing God’s work in the world and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. There are roughly 9,100 congregations grouped into 65 Synods across the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

ELCA Mission
Together in Jesus Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully.

ELCA Vision
A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ makes for all people and creation.